Take Action
Join Organisations
Connect with people working together to make a difference.
Write Letters
Email people of power to make sure your voice is heard.
Apply for GIPAs
Access government information of public interest.
Contact the Media
Get your message to the masses through the media.
Connect with an organisation
Hunter Concerned Citizens
Better Planning Network Inc.
Newcastle Inner City Residents Alliance (NICRA)
Save Albert Park
Environmental Defenders Office NSW (EDO NSW)
Friends of King Edward Park (FoKEP)
Crown Land Alliance
Total Environment Centre
National Trust Australia
Parks and Playgrounds Movement Inc.
National Trust – Heritage Region Committee
Write a letter or email
City of Newcastle
Read Council’s Policies, Plans & Strategies

NSW Parliament
All Members in the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council (both Houses)
All Ministers in the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council (both Houses)
All Shadow Ministers in the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council (both Houses)
Apply for GIPAs
Apply to a government department for information under the GIPA Act
What is public access to government information?
You have the right to access certain government information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) (GIPA Act). The objective of the GIPA Act is to make government information more accessible to the public by:
- requiring government agencies to make certain sorts of information freely available
- encouraging government agencies to release as much other information as possible
- giving the public an enforceable right to make access applications for government information, and
- restricting access to information only when there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.
Public access to the government information system is overseen by the Information and Privacy Commission.
To submit a request for government information held by the Information and Privacy Commission NSW (a GIPA)